I was building a house within a warehouse. I was also painting a picture of the house on canvas from an image reference. While working on the physical building of the house, I remember working specifically on the beam that was supposed to be the pitch of the roof of the house. The beam was a light colored wood, like birch or ash or something similar, and needed to be sanded. The edges of the beam close to the end look tapered as if they had been sanded too much. My pastor had been correcting me and teaching me how to correctly build the house/paint it on canvas. Also, throughout the dream I was barely covered in clothes, like I was wearing a piece of a silky slip dress. At some point I noticed this and felt shy, but most of the time it’s like I was aware I was uncovered and I didn’t care.
For a while I dilly-dallied and didn’t accomplish much with the house building/painting and observed other people doing jobs in other places. I was in a Walmart-type place where I was watching these people through a plastic window pane play video games and talk about electronics, some of those doing that job seem to enjoy it, others seem to have a fake smile.
I went to another aisle of this giant Walmart and stood in front of the DVD’s. A family came with a buggy and came toward me with it like they wanted to get where I was standing, so I moved. Except they just followed me again and pushed their buggy toward me like they still wanted to get to the spot I was in. So I moved again, way out of the way, and saw they just wanted to literally drive their buggy in a complete circle for no reason and they looked at me like I was in the way.
On another aisle that I think had fake flowers and toys on it, I leaped/twirled back and forth until some people saw me, I think one was Selena Gomez? And then I felt like I was too naked and wanted to hide. In the end I ran back to return to my job of building/painting the house in the warehouse.
The warehouse itself was large and bright and had a pitched roof and a lot of natural light from windows. It had two supporting beam poles in it and a round table beside one of them that had an old fashioned telephone sitting on it. For some reason when I went in the warehouse to go work on the house, I stalled even longer by lifting up this very long, thick slab of wood that spanned probably about 4ish yards and I crawled underneath it and out to the other side (the wood slab balanced on me/my back as I crawled. I heard that my pastor came in the room and thought, “Oh no! I’m slacking off, I need to run and go work on the house and show him that I’ve gotten some stuff done on it.” So I scrambled and ran over to it and began working on it - building it/painting it on canvas. The house on the canvas was much more complete than the actual physical building of the house. The building was grey and white and had a vertical paneling on one part on the face of it, with bushes and greenery surrounding the house as a whole.
My pastor looked at my progress on the painting of the house on canvas and told me I needed to add more shadows/shading to the area of the face with vertical paneling. He was on the phone the entire time. He left, then shortly later my husband came in the warehouse, and stood at the round table with the old fashioned telephone. He said that our pastor had passed away shortly ago and he was distraught and fighting back tears. I didn’t believe it and I knew the Lord had a purpose and plan for him and that this just didn’t make sense and couldn’t be true because of God’s plan, so I fully believed he would come back to life. My husband said it was from COVID, and said that he had contracted the illness 12 exits ago. And I thought, “What does that mean? I was just with my pastor - was he contagious when he was with me?” And I asked my husband about that, and he said “no - 12 exits on the interstate ago..”
We went out of the warehouse to find pews in front of a garden store where only a couple of families and few people had just started to gather to mourn his death. I was surprised that they just so easily believed he was gone (that they didn’t have faith). I also saw my cousin Evan there (which surprised me - he is away from the Lord and has turned to homosexuality/transgenderism in real life). He looked sad and locked eyes with me.
The dream was in color and I didn’t feel any kind of fear in the dream but when I awoke early this morning from it, it startled me and I immediately began praying for my pastor. Although I think the death in the dream might be symbolic and not literal? Also, after getting up out of bed to go to the restroom, I saw that there was gold glitter all over my arms and hands. I’ve had gold appear on my hands during worship at church before, but this is the first time it’s covered my arms and hands.