Feelings: sadness, pain, loss, grief.
Colour: full
Sound: clear sounds of the environments (ocean near by, people crying with me).
I found myself by the sea side and with me were three males (I do not know anyone with these names, they were just with me as if they had been part of me). They were not alive anymore, their bodies were with me. I was lost in thought and grieving over their death. I remember one was called William, the youngest was called Benjamin but I couldnt remember the name of the middle male. I was granted 4 days to mourn for them. Their bodies still felt warm to touch, their bodies were not decomposing.
The time came to bring them to the funeral house. I was helped by some people to bring them in but I carried William.
When I arrived the bodies were taken in by the funeral house employees. On my own and empty handed, I walked into the funeral house.
The funeral house had many doors and corridors. Every time I tried to make my way in I ended up in a different room and every time I found different people who were in my life at different times. I saw people from my primary school years, from my high school years and to the present day. Each one offered their condolences. They were there to mourn with me about my loss.
I remember in my dream, the strong emotions of grief and loss. I cried in the arms of these people and I thanked them for their support.
I woke up feeling a bit overwhelmed because the feeling of grief and loss felt so real.