I was standing in a concourse (like for an airport), but instead of plane terminals, each gate was for an extreme sport. There were gates on both sides of this long concourse for various “rides,” things like bungee jumping, parasailing, base jumping and ski diving. The gates were modern and industrial, made with metal.
I was excited and was standing in the line that was facing straight ahead and my gate was at the end of the concourse. As I looked at the sign above the gate, it said 6¥ (that is 6 Yen). I thought to myself “Cool, I will pay with pocket change!” All of a sudden I was at the gate and the clerk said “That will be 6 Yen”. I said “Ok, can I pay with dollars?” She replied “Yes, that will be $2000.” I was shocked and exclaimed “What?!” Then I woke up.