The spelling of the name of this dream always includes a period, no matter where it is in a sentence.
I was on some sort of unusual hybrid between a cruise ship and an airplane. The other passengers and I were in sort of the main area of the ship/plane, and that main area looked like the inside of an airplane, but much bigger and more spacious (wider in particular). Sailing on the water, it basically launched from Florida - there or either somewhere real close and along the same coastline - and it was sailing through the Caribbean Sea. Though it was on the water, the seats and everything seemed to be raised fairly high off of the water. It was going quickly from island to island in the Caribbean, and we would see different factories and stuff on different islands very briefly. It was sunny, and it was probably at sunset. (The day didn't change in the dream.)
There was one island in the dream I specifically remember where there was a factory that was very tall, taller than this ship. One of the sides of the factory was open wide enough for the ship to fit through and for us to see inside. Since there was stuff on the inside, the ship could only come up to that side, not actually go completely inside. So it did, facing straight forward towards the inside of the factory, and there were platforms inside the factory that were raised very high, almost to the ceiling, that consisted of the main walkways for the workers. These platforms were supported by columns, and these columns probably had a lot of machinery inside of them. It looked similar to one of the areas in Final Fantasy XIII.
There was also a scene, probably later in the dream, where the ship slowed down and, at least before the scene was over, even came to a complete stop. I was in the back of the ship, and the back of the ship was very exposed. Dangerously exposed. We were supposed to be pretty much inside the ship, but there wasn't a barrier preventing you from just walking off the platform out the back. I saw a child, probably about 5-years-old, straying away from the group, going further and further to the back. His mother didn't notice, and nobody else did. Only I noticed this.
So I raised my voice. I was loud. I kept calling out for people to notice, and finally his mother heard me and went over to him, probably leading him back to where everybody was seated. I was worried that I had overreacted, that I had been too loud and possibly created an unnecessary disturbance. Thinking about it though, I felt that, most likely, it was fine, and that the child really was in enough danger to warrant being loud and disturbing the crowd.
Around this time, for whatever reason, I ended up off the back of the ship/plane. I was on some sort of platform, either completely off the vessel or hanging off the back, and noticed I needed to hurry up and get back on. So I did. It was about this time that the vessel started moving again. At least this second time that the vessel set sail, it felt like an airplane taking off. I think it even sounded that way, and I could feel the acceleration in my gut. During the dream, the vessel never actually flew, but it now felt like a commercial airplane coming off the ground and into the sky. Now that it was moving again, we were continuing our trip as before.