I saw the face of a beautiful ornate clock- it was golden, like a grandfather clock- and it was very, very large, about as big as an office building. Each number on the clock represented a tribe of Israel. There was a man that was putting beautiful ornate stones or gems in each number. The stones were larger than the man, but he was able to turn and lift the stones. The back of the stones were pure gold, like this was the setting for the gem, and as the man turned the stones around, the Lord told me the names of each gem (there were only three gems for now), and the only name that I believe I can remember is beryl? But I’m not 100% sure of this. The man placed the stones in the clock, but didn’t start with 12 on the clock. He began before 12:00. The colors of the gems were black or deep blue, white or clear, and deep green.
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