I was driving somewhere following my friend, in the vehicle ahead of me, Sonya. I'm not sure where we were going, i think headed north but I know we made a right turn. Then the next scene we were in a house and Sonya wanted some fruit but didn't see what she wanted. She said, " a banana would be nice" and I said, "I have one in the car, do you want me to go get it?" She didn't answer but looked like she really wanted it so I decided to go get it.
I felt like I really wanted to please her. I don't remember details of the house I think we were in the kitchen.
I have been trying to interpret the dream for myself and have something but would like to see if I'm on the right track.
I have been writing my dreams down but feel like i just can't get it, this is the only one i think i know. I don't ever remember colors and seldom do I remember my surroundings or what people look like, it's more like i just know it was Sonya not that i actually see her.