This is a dream my mom had and I am posting it on her behalf...
The setting was a European village with old off white colored walls and wood frames for doors and windows. I remember walking in and out of shops on paved roads with slight hills. I remember having dreamed (in my dream) of J’s (my husband) mom Marlys and going to their house to tell her I dreamt of her. However when I entered the house and found her she cowered away and avoided me so I tucked away my dream inside this dream. Also I remember Scott, J’s stepdad, in a brown leather recliner and he had hurt his leg and was resting it. So we came and went from their home, each time Marlys cowering away from me. But before I awoke she came over and gave me a hug and as I was leaving their home. I hardly ever dream and this was my first dream inside of a dream.