Impt point: This is only first 2 scenes to a large dream but I believe these scenes are connected.
Background color: muted grey, not much color in dream
Feelings: In the dream, I felt fine. I woke up feeling refreshed.
Scene 1: I am at a feast with my beloved family and we are seated indoors, i venture outdoors for another plate of buffet feast where I curiously try out an Indian's man's cuisine. His display was on an entire hotplate and I made my selections. After loading up my plate, I asked for him to serve me his current cooking and i said (paraphrasing) "1 bite", he laughed and he literally gave me 1 bite of food!
Scene 2: I am seated with family where I distinctively remember seated with my father, I eat the delicious Indian food. I went for a walk outside and this Indian man gives me a large white business card to where his restaurant is located. This card is larger than a postcard.