My dad and I were at a store with a large parking lot. We were with a couple of other people that I did not know. They were sort of guiding us. It was at night. We went out to get into my car and dad get into his and everyone started getting on the ground. There was a shooter that came in. It was an black female with a little bit of a fro. She was wearing a black jacket. She had a gun and it seemed like she was searching for us. Our guide was black as well. We got down under the car and I could see her moving on the other side. At this time, dad was not beside me and our guide was in a car with his head down. I saw the woman start coming around to the other side. When she got there, she had the gun to my face. I was petrified and just pleaded “no, please don’t.” She mocked me and left. I don’t remember if I heard a gunshot or not. Everyone started getting up. I asked where my dad was and they said he was dead. I went over to where his car was and there was him and her laying there. He was already gone, but she could still talk a little. She was laughing. I took her gun and tried to shoot her, but it was out of bullets. It must have only had 1 bullet in it. I kept screaming “dad, no! Please come back!” I remember praying to God that he would live. I also remember that there were never any sirens, no help coming. When I woke up, I felt like I had in the dream. In shock, disbelief and sorrowful.
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