My natural father visited me and he wanted me to go to the coast to see a ship come in. By the time we arrived at the coast it was dark. When I looked, I could tell this was not a port but a beach. I told Dad it was a beach not a port. Then I looked again and I could see three ships coming in. When they got close enough to see they were not ships but eighteen wheel rigs. Dad did not say anything he just let me observe. Therefore, I said these are amphibious eighteen-wheelers. He replied yes, but when they got to shore, they just drove off and I noticed there was nothing unique about the trucks, they looked like normal tractor trailers. Without saying a word, Dad drove off to another part of town. It was as if we were hunting something we went to several places but never found what he was hunting. Finally, we went to a factory in the factory many people and their children were working. I stayed close to Dad the whole time because I did not want him to leave me. He took me to a room with several women and their children. The children were adorable they started calling me daddy. I told them they were not the first to call me daddy, when I left the room; I realized that my father was gone.
When I went back to sleep I had another dream. I was in the same factory working for a former Homewood department head. (we had several arguments at Homewood we could not get along.) This was a sewing factory and he wanted me to get an automatic buttonhole machine working, there were also cars in the factory. I needed to back a car out of the way so I could repair the buttonhole machine. I hit the machine with the car and damaged the casing around the mechanical arms. Jerry the former department head tried to warn me but I ignored his warnings. He was firm but calm and told me I needed to repair the machine by two. I felt confident I could make the repairs.