I had a dream where I was in a resort hotel that is located near the airport. The resort is overlooking a beach. I shared the same hotel room as my grandma and my bed was facing the window. I saw luggage (with airline sticker son it) flying out of a plane that was about to land. The beach was littered with many items such as engines, luggages etc that flew out from other landing planes previously. I was about to head for the hotel breakfast, but I had realised I was wearing the hotel room slippers and headed back to my hotel room to change out of them. I could not find my own slippers, so I wore someone else's. My grandma was waiting for me throughout to walk to the breakfast counter. As we were walking there, I saw a 3 storey metal and glass tower house that was standing in the middle of the sea being hit by an airplane and the whole structure was on fire! It was sinking into the sea. There was a family in the house and they were still asleep. We continued to walk to the buffet counter and when I was taking my food, I saw my ex university friend whom I have not met for more than 10 years.
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