*Disclaimer* My wife is a little more than halfway through a real pregnancy and we have 1 son already.
This morning I woke up to a dream where I was coaching 3 women through a birth. The dream was very fast, I never saw the women's faces, but I knew the babies were mine. I told them all to "push!" at the same time and the first two babies heads popped out, the third women close behind seemed to struggle a bit more on her push but then the baby shot right out at the end of the first push. The other two were close behind. I heard three things as I woke up, 4, 16 and the name Emerick (which apparently means "industrious leader" and has the root name of Emmerich which means "Power, Work, Labor"). I felt compelled to check my notes to see if I had a dream on 4/16/19 so I did, it is below:
4/16/19 Dream: My wife gave birth to two lambs. There was also a third older lamb in the dream as well. The two new lambs did not have fur on their backs. I remembered being worried we wouldn't have enough time or materials/resources before they were born. The third lamb had all the fur on it's back. We had 938 something left. Money? Resources? I'm not sure.