Im with my husband and 15 month old son and my son is sitting in his lap. We are in a field behind a church sitting around a table with a few other people who i cant even remember what they look like. To my left I see my pastor’s wife and her two daughter in laws coming around the corner to the field, all three have their dogs with them. I have the impression that they were just in church but I knew church was still going on. I noticed they were there to take their dogs to go to the bathroom. I remember making a comment like, ”why do they have to always have their dogs with them”.Then to my right I see a woman and her daughter walking up. I recongized the woman i knew from the town i grew up in. Her name is Donna. She had lots of makeup on and a cropped shirt showing her stomach. She came and hugged me and was so excited to see me. She looked ag my son and said, ”I hate to say this but he looks just like you.” I noticed my son had a blue shirt on (i think) and i woke up .
I woke up thinking about how random it was Donna was in my dream. Donna is also my Mother in laws name so I began wondering if this could relate to her. I also notice how my pastor’s wife was with her 2 daughter in laws, which made me think even more this could have something to do with my mother jn law.