This dream was short but has been on my heart for a few days now. I was behind my house and the day before a flood had came. It was such a heave rain the there was a rive created by the flood. So i being fishing in the new river when all of a sudden my being to screaming for me. I ran to the front of the house and notice a poisionous baby snake in the yard so i picked the snake up to take it to get rid of it. As i was holding the snake were it couldnt bite my hand the snake got loose and ended up still bitten my thumb i took and stomped the snake to death . I being to see more snakes im try to get them out of my yard but there coming from every where. I half to start fighting a huge snake in my house as im in the middle of fighting this snake i wake up. When i woke up i felt like the lord speaking to me not sure if it was a warning or something else i might be going though. I just dont want to over look this if the lord is trying to warn me!
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