Mr. Michael! I spoke to you last year about a dream I had been having. I gave you a backstory, I had filed for divorce from my husband who is addicted to drugs and alcohol and still is, and 2 weeks after I filed, he had moved in with another married woman. we have 2 sons together, 1/3. I have had several revelations from God in regards to my marriage and interceding for my husbands soul and spirit because he is fighting several demons that keep him in addiciton and bondage
. The dream I called you about last year, he and I had triplets, and 2 of them died.... the 3rd one was dead but we ran around every where looking for help to revive the baby. Finally we found someone at a movie theater of all places and the baby was revived. You told me that the 2 babies that were already passed represented 2 relationships with father figures that are dead... ( my dad, and my grandfather) the 3rd baby to be revived represented my marriage to my husband and that what looked dead, God was bringing back to life and to lean and press into God until then.
I have had several dreams over the last year, in regards to my husband. Our marriage. But I have had 2 in the last week that have to do with boats in the ocean.
Specifically, the first one, before I went to bed I asked God to SHOW me what my husband is dealing with so that I can pray more specifically for him. I dreamt that we were in the same house, I was taking a shower in a clear tile shower and I looked in the mirror, down the hall, and he was watching me. He walked into the bathroom and acted like he wanted to talk to me, and wanted to kiss me, and he started to, but then said, "i don't think she would like this" I told him " I don't care, I am your wife, and shes not!" He walked away and I chased him out of the house onto a beach.... at the shore line there were 3 boats. One for me, one for him, and I dont know what the 3rd one was for..... but in the distance, someone yelled, "they are coming!!! You better get on the same boat or hes going to be in trouble!" So he got on the boat with me. The "swat" team came and found a bouie in the ocean with a net attached to the underpart of it with drugs. Thats all I remember from this dream.
The 2nd dream was more of an oceanliner boat, and it seemed to be some sort of game that we were playing that required teams. It felt like a rowing competition? His ex wife and I were on a team, and he was on the other team. I could see him talking with his "team captain" talking about his "ex wife" as if our divorce was final, and speaking of his current gf telling lies about their entire life together//// He was wearing a wedding band, on his RIGHT hand though. The boat seemed to be going super fast in the ocean.