Dream on 5/5/20:
I was in the hospital getting reproductive organs surgery (seems like). A few surgeons. After I woke up from surgery they were looking at Petri dish and one said "oh, no, we removed piece of intestines; you need another surgery". So, I'm waiting for another one. Here comes this famous surgeon Jewish woman, last name Markowitz. Someone says to her "you are the voice". I say to her "voice in the wilderness" and asked her to watch those other surgeons performing another surgery on me, so they won't make a mistake again. I feel safer with her being there. Then I try to call my father and every time I push call/text button those games show up on the screen. Frustrating...Finally I'm able to connect and I'm saying to him that I'm in the hospital, getting surgery and I will be home late. He says:I will pick you up since it will be very late. Next scene: the woman surgeon Markowitz starts singing right in the hospital. She has surprisingly loud, powerful voice. It's a worship song. I join in and cry...
I woke up with the song "I saw the Lord sitting on His throne, He was clothed in glory, exalted high. The train of His robe filled the temple and the angels circled around Him and they cried "you are holy, oh so holy, we cry holy, Lord of all" (Alpha and Omega song).
Ps. Markowitz from Marcus- huge hammer (like for war, for striking, crushing, breaking). I have some ideas about this dream but I don't know if correct...