Hi Michael, this is a dream my 13 yr old son had a few days ago: He's in a city, sky is blue and there's color everywhere. There's some interaction with classmates, one of them wearing very strange glasses. The dream flips and the sky turns dark green and ominous, like its going to storm. He sees cars crashing, and there is sewage on the ground and people are swirling in it like they can't get out of it. He saw a girl's leg brake as she fell to the ground while at a park. A paramedic in all black brought her a yellow blanket and candy as a way of helping her. It starts to rain urine, and at this point my son is now somehow wearing a black jacket that's protecting him from it. He's trying to get home with his dad, who by the way, is now urinating on our son! They see the church that's by our home (in real life) called "Journey" and both my son and his dad are trying to cross the street to get back home. Dream ends. My son said his focus was on the girl with broken leg, and the pee storm. I sense this may be a warning dream for me to cover my son with prayer. I have a good idea about some of its meaning, but not all. I'd like to show my son your comments as a means to teach him more about dream interpretation. Thank you.
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