Had a dream within a dream or at least I think it was, but it also kind of seemed as if I was just very aware that I was dreaming so I’m not sure. But either way in the dream I was in a shed looking for a flashlight and another item as there was a storm coming (it was just raining hard while I was searching) I invited the girl inside whom I was talking with. We stepped back outside. When we stepped outside the weather changed. There was lightning & little clouds of fire were coming down and the wind was blowing really really strong. We tried to get back into another a building for shelter. The girl caught on fire because a fire cloud struck her. I somehow helped her to get back to normal & I rolled the rest of the way to avoid catching fire. We ended up standing in planting pots. I was in a pot growing tomato’s, there were also girls to my left and right. There were turnips as well and a couple other vegetables growing that I can’t recall, but in the dream it seemed important for me to identify the fruit/vegetable I and the others were standing in. After seeing I was in the tomato pot and looking at the other girls tags, the plants began to sprout quickly, we all got excited & I was laughing because I could feel the plant growing between my toes and it tickled. Then the dream transitioned ( or I woke from the dream within the dream) I was running around looking for a journal to record everything that had happened & I thought that the storm/ fire clouds had something to do with “burning away” but what I’m not sure. When I woke up in real life I couldn’t remember as much detail as I was able to in the dream. But I kept thinking of the song “burn it away”
Although I wasn’t the one that caught on fire I did have to maneuver through the storm, immediately after I ended up in a plant that sprouted. So the first thing I thought of for the meaning of this dream was that it was a visual representation of “you have to go through the fire in order to grow” but I am not sure what a tomato symbolizes. As I made an extra effort in the dream to identify which plant I was in & I made an effort to remember it because I repeated it several times to myself in the dream so I believe there is some significance in the fact that I was in a tomato pot.