I am in an office (that I do not know) working on a project. The project is done in three big rooms on three long tables with papers strewn all over the tables. The rooms are connected with partitions and the partitions have been pulled back to reveal one big cavernous room. There are large hanging lamps in the ceiling.
I am slouched over some of the papers at 3rd table with an ex colleague (senior staff at the operations dept) and another current colleague. There are many items to sort through and I was supposed to go on leave. My current colleague mentioned that he will cover me while I on leave.
I went to pick up my things to leave and headed to pick up my shoes from the shoe cabinet. In this office, people work barefoot and there are three massive shoe cabinets, near the door and the shoe cabinets are filled to the brim with different shoes and are musty and dusty. However I discovered that someone else had take my shoes and as a result I am unable to leave the office. I search frantically through all the massive shoes cabinets and someone else (whom I do not know) came alongside to help.
I saw a pair of new shoes (black, with straps in front and heels), size 23 and even with the price tag of $28 on it. However these shoes are smaller than my current shoe size and I cannot wear it. The person helping me also commented: "why would anyone steal someone else's old shoes and leave the new shoes behind?"
In the dream, I was thinking "Oh dear, I am not able to go home without my shoes". I am also not willing to just pick up someone else's shoes and leave others similarly stranded.