Over the past month I have had 2 dreams, one during the night and the other was more of a day dream.
The first one was me and my 1 year old son visiting my paternal grandmother at her current nursing home facility. She started getting very angry and violent and her eyes changed to a yellowish green color. I asked the demon it’s name and then began to cast it out. The second dream was me and my son visiting my maternal grandmother at her current independent living facility. Before I left she wanted to introduce me to her new male friend. As soon as I saw him his eyes changed to the same yellowish green color and he seemed angry. I asked what its name was and began casting it out. I do not remember the names of either demon in either dream.
The thing that made the biggest impression on me was that I had my son with me. I kept thinking how dangereous it was that I cast out a demon while he was there because I was scared it would go into him.
*I dont know much about casting out demons so I’m not sure why I had these dreams. I hope it is ok I posted these dreams together, as I was wondering if they related to each other in anyway. Thanks!