The guidelines say to state real life relationships. In real life, my brother and our friend live together as roommates, and I've been staying with them temporarily shortly after getting back from living in Japan.
It took a little while for me to gain confidence this dream was from God or supernatural, and I'm still not convinced, but have a fairly decent suspicion of it by now. There may have been more to the dream, but this is basically what I remember:
My brother, our friend, and I were on vacation at the beach, probably somewhere along the Gulf Coast, and probably in Florida. I think there were other people with us on vacation, including my mother. We were at some big condo skyscraper-type building, in our condo, and despite any other people vacationing with us, at this time, it was only the three of us who were in there. It was daytime. The condo was on the first floor, borderline adjacent to the beach, with a window facing the beach. I was looking out the window, and there were two separate oddities in the sky:
First the sky was turning dark, and I thought that it might be due to the clouds from some kind of storm moving in. I thought that maybe they were getting thick and blocking out the sunlight. The sky gradually turned darker over the course of a minute or two or something, until it was dark as night.
The other oddity was the appearance of multiple moons. It was either multiple real moons and/or an illusion showing the same moon in multiple places. At first we saw two, then three, I think on up to six. This is looking out the window, and if we had stepped outside, we would've probably seen more.
I got my brother and our friend's attention. By the time it was dark as night, I was trying to take a picture of all this with a cellphone. However I kept having trouble with the phone, and by the time I could take a picture with it, the darkness in the sky had already largely faded back into a normal daytime appearance. The blue sky and normal daytime returned. However the moons, I think, stayed.
Then I spotted a tidal wave in the distance, coming right at us, towards the window. Trying to not spoil anything here on a public forum - in the dream, it reminded me of a . . . "certain" scene in a "certain" outer space movie. I tried yelling to my brother and our friend - I kept trying to yell to warn them - but I had trouble speaking at a high volume. Something was wrong with my voice, and it was too quiet. They got the message though, and after grabbing a few things from the condo, including my Bible and laptop, we moved up to a rooftop terrace-sort of area on top of the building. On the way, my brother suggested using the stairs, instead of the elevator, since it was an emergency.
My mother was up there, if I remember correctly. Since we were on the roof (this part of the roof was a normal outside area for guests to hang out in, and it was designed that way), I walked to the end/edge of the roof facing the beach. There was a rail along the edge, I believe.
Looking down, I could no longer see the main tidal wave. Apparently it had already hit. However I could see many big, huge, potentially dangerous waves forming and hitting the beach. These were smaller than the first and were not tidal waves, but they still looked big enough to probably be dangerous. All of us who were on the roof though were most likely safe at this point.