Date of dream: 22 Feb 2021
Brightly Coloured in a Nursery I believe.
Woman about to pop about to give birth any time and she was leaving for maternity. I think I was working in this nursery. I found £40 roughly in a £20, £10, £5 and some coins in my purse in between lottery tickets. I made a note that I needed to check them because I got a sense they were blessed tickets in some way. About 5 of them. I showed a lady next to me the new €2 euro coin. Which was so modern huge, shiny and beautifully gold and silver and I spun it on the table. A guy worker handed me a tax bill which I'm sure was £3.16 and I was waiting for my other lady colleagues I was there with to stop talking to ask change from my £5 to pay. The one lady who was pregnant was called Chloe and they made a little song for her "Chloe the elephant went to.... And said goodbye to the circus!" She was going to have her baby any day within the next two weeks she was huge! She was going up north to move house and start a new job there after her baby.