I dreamed we came upstairs from Sunday school into the sanctuary and 2 ladies in my church were sitting on the front row of the church pews. We have 9 pews on the right and 9 on the left. Only these 2 ladies on the right side. I then look to the left side and the church was full. People ive been praying for to come to know Christ. Entire generations. Many I knew many I didn't. Then I look back to the right and all the pews were gone. My husband and I are in the isle and I'm talking to these people, I then look out the door and this charcoal blanket is on the steps with money. I asked him why that was out there. I seemed aggravated that the money was outside. I turn back snd the church had a huge bleacher style pews up front where our altar in real life is but facing the same way has our pews are. Full of people also. My prayer warrior sister in Christ kept looking back at me like she was upset with me. What does this mean. The 2 ladies I saw on the right have been trying to get our church to pay for some dental procedures the one lady needs.
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