This is my dream from January 2020.
There’s some epidemic going on and I visit hospital. A female friend of mine who has the widespread disease is waiting in the waiting area, try to hug me but I tell her not to hug me because i can’t afford to get sick. (But tip of her fingers touched me a little)
I go see a nurse and I am hoping I don’t have the disease, I don’t think I do. I do have this dark pink/purple ish crustation of skin forming like large oval shoulder pads on both my shoulders and both sides of my hips. These skin condition really stood out to me in the dream. The nurse writes my condition down on a file,I look over to see what she wrote, I’ve never heard of this condition before.(thankfully what I have is not that widespread disease) She takes my right forearm, puts in a line. A darker skinned male doctor comes in and I ask him what’s myo condition. He says smth that’s different sounding from what the nurse wrote but maybe they both rhyme (same later-half words). I tell him that I have four kids at home so I wanna get this line in me and quickly go home. He is ok w me going home and he gets in the elevator.