I was at UW talking to a professor on someone’s behalf when I noticed the professor had some childhood photos of me and some photos of my mom as a teen. I asked him how he knew the people in the photos. He said “I have a feeling you’re going to tell me.” I said “just how do you know them?” he couldn’t remember my moms name so he called her “Marissa” and said she was his nephews sister. I said “you’re Darby’s uncle?!” (Darby is my moms brother who passed when she was 13) you guys look so much alike!! I began to ask him more questions and eventually I found out he was actually Darby’s brother , which explained the strong resemblance. He said he’d been given up for adoption, which was strange to me because I told him I had just asked my grandmother had she ever had an abortion or given a baby up for adoption and she told me no. We talked some more and he said he wanted to reach out to my grandma and i gave him her info. Then I gave him a heads up that she had COPD and had been in and out of the hospital the past few years. He asked what COPD was and I said “you’re a heart doctor shouldn’t you know?” We were standing at a glass window getting ready to jump out and then I woke up.
I found it weird that i referred to him as a heart doctor i woke up really confused. But in the dream I was calm and happy. The dream was dull in color but I could tell the room we were in was supposed to be bright.