There was a press conference held outside.
President Donald Trump was taking questions from the media.
One of his close advisors was selecting reporters to come forward to ask The President questions.
The first reported stepped forward, asked his question, Donald instantly rebuked his questions and said, " That's a stupid question."
The crowd of reporters was immense, all wanting to get the inside scoop from the President, but none of the questions pleased the President.
I noticed a hand coming out from the crowd, (I could not see the persons face as the crowd was squishing him.) In his hand was a piece of paper for the President to read.
Donald Trump reached out and grabbed the paper, what he read delighted him. The President praised the man for what he had written.
I (dreamer) read what was on the paper. Twenty statements had been listed, the first one read, " I Lost my son when he was 18."
I turned to the crowd and loudly read the first statement, the people around me monetarily turned to listen and lost interest, So I read the opening statement for a second time "I lost my son when he was 18 again, the same response from the crowd.
I found myself kneeling, the ground freshly wet from the rain,
I was still in America. The crowds around me were all like-minded, angry and demanding. A sense of confusion was in the air—the list of 20 statements still in my right hand. A car drove near me, and a man's face appeared.
"What is written on that list" - He asked.
"Come and read it" As I held my hand out in the air, the driver jumped out of his car and read the statements.
His body shifted, and I noticed a change in his deminer.
To the left, another car had pulled up behind the first. This man was not interested in the list, he was so angry, clenching his fist gearing up to punch the first man for blocking traffic.
Still kneeling, I held my left hand out to subdue the oncoming assault. Peace.
Noticing my actions The first man turned and said: " Your kindness is a gift. I'm going to give you a car for free."
The sound of this echoed through my heart as I prostrated and wept in shock.
End of 2020 NYE
A massive party had been organized to celebrate the victory of 2020.
Huge clear doors opened as thousands of people, including myself, flowed into a ballroom filled with blue and white balloons. It was a strange sight, women in wedding dresses, people with dirt on their faces, a sense of hard labour and struggles was noted. The organizers of the party acknowledged the toils 2020 had caused, but it was now time to celebrate.