In the dream, it was night, and I was trying to visit a family. The family had an apartment in a building, and the facility that the building was in had an outside area that had a chainlink fence partially around it. The outside area was enclosed basically by the combination of the building and the chainlink fence.
I was trying to go the apartment to visit the family, and there was at least one gate to enter the chainlink fence through, but for whatever reason, I sort of climbed over / jumped the fence. I do not remember the dream specifying whether there were more than one gate, whether it was or was not locked, or the reason that I went over the fence; however I do not remember the dream necessarily not specifying these things.
Anyway I got over the fence and into the outside area. Just across the outside area was an over-passing or over-arching area of the building that someone could walk underneath. If that person were to walk underneath that over-passing or over-arching area, the same building would be to their right, to their left, and above them. It was basically a part of the building that you could walk through, and if you did walk through it, you would just go into more of the outside area. If somebody were to walk directly there from where I was and stand underneath the over-passing or over-arching area, just a little bit of the building would be to their left, and the main part of the building would be to their right. But somebody wouldn't have to walk but maybe 10 or 15 meters to pass completely through - it was kind of thin. And assuming they had gone straight underneath there from where I was at this point in the dream, then to their right, where the main part of the building was, was one door basically that was where the family's apartment was.
Again, at this point, I had only just gotten over the chainlink fence and into the outside area, and the over-passing area was just across from me. The outside area was kind of both sides of the over-passing or over-arching area, and you could walk directly through the over-arching area.
But across from me to that area where the family's apartment was, there was a distance that honestly wasn't too far - guesstimating maybe between 25 and 100 meters - and it was divided up into several rows of bushes, and in between the rows of bushes would be places you could walk through. It was sort of a gardened area that was supposed to look nice and be set up for you walk directly through from one side to the other, with bushes beside you serving as decoration. It was all just a bunch of straight lines - a line of bushes, a walkway in between, another line of bushes, another walkway, and so on - and the lines would basically go just straight across from basically the side of the outside area that I was on to the over-arching or over-passing area. They were all parrallel, and all just went straight from one side to the other. And most of the area between me and the over-passing or over-arching area was comprised of this gardened, walkthrough area.
To my left the chainlink fence would've been relatively close - that side of the chainlink fence started from a right angle from where I had entered in through and ended with the little bit of the building that was on the left-hand side of the over-arching area - and to my right was at least one tennis court. There were two people playing tennis - probably two men - and they were just there by themselves. They paid me no attention at all, and they continued to pay me no attention for the rest of the dream. To them, throughout the dream, it was as though I did not exist.
Finally, one last bit of desription about the place before continuing with the story: Again this was at night. It could've been on either side of midnight, but essentially it was night time, and it was dark. (There was no precipitation or strong wind or anything, by the way, and the temperature was not really a factor.) But there were two lighted areas in this dream that stood out, aside from the simple fact that there was a little bit of artificial light in the outside area and such in general. One of them was at the apartment itself. Just outside their door, there was at least one light that was attached to their apartment that was just there like any other light you would expect outside the front door to an apartment. I feel pretty sure the color of this light was yellow, and it was turned on. There wasn't necessarily only one physical, artifical light there, but there probably was, and the point was that the outside of their apartment was lit with what was probably yellow light.
The other lit area was the tennis court area. In the same way you would expect at any outside tennis court area, they basically had one or more lights turned on that were keeping the tennis court(s) lit, and the two people over there were using this to play with each other. The color of the light there, I'm pretty sure, was white. There was nothing abnormal about either the tennis court light(s) or the apartment entrance light(s).
So in the story, I obviously wanted to go through the gardened, walkway area to get to the apartment, but there was a dog present that had noticed me. That family had a dog, and it was loose in the outside area, and it did not trust me. It believed that I was there improperly and would come after me.
The problem with this is that the family knew I was coming; they knew to expect me! I don't know why I went over the fence - there may or may not have been a legitimate reason, and I don't remember the dream necessarily giving a reason - and it was at night time, but nothing was wrong with me being there at all! They expected me to come to visit them, and I had a right to be there - bottom line.
But this dog did not understand that. It's just like in any other case where you go to somebody's house or whatever, and they have some dog that starts barking or growling at you, even if you're standing right there talking to them. But there's no way to just explain this to a dog - it's an animal and can't talk - and it thinks in completely primitive, "animalish" terms. So you just work around it and make sure you don't get bit.
This dog was probably upper-medium size, and its fur was solid black. It looked a wolf, and it looked rough. It was a dog, but it almost looked more like a wolf, and a rough-loooking, almost slightly monstrous-looking one at that.
This dog came after me. I was careful to avoid it, but I still wanted to get to where that family was to visit them. I would try to run down one of the walkways in the gardened area, and it would start coming down that particular walkway on the other side. So I would try to run down one of the other walkways, and it would simply change over to that other walkway and start running after me - barking or growling or whatever - over there.
But I was determined and would keep changing walkways. And as I would change walkways, at least oftentimes, I would jump over the bushes to switch, as opposed to simply runnining out of the gardened area back in through another walkway.
But the dog was determined too, and every time I switched walkways to try to run around it, it would switch to one I had moved to and come after me there. And when it would switch walkways, unlike me, it would always turn around, run back out its current walkway from where it had entered, and run back in on the new walkway that I switched to. It would not jump over the bushes.
And the dog didn't want me anywhere on the premises. It didn't matter whether it was the family's apartment, the building they were in, the gardened area, the tennis courts, the other side past the over-passing, over-arching area, whatever. If I was anywhere inside that outside area, it was going to come after me. But if I were to get inside the family's apartment though - well, that's indoors, and the dog was outside, so I'd be safe at that point.
Anyway this kept going on, and I was getting frustrated at the impasse. Then the dream skipped over a certain length of time. The dream did not specify in any way what the amount of time it skipped over had been. The dog and I were in that impasse with each other, and the dream simply skipped over X amount of time, however long or short X might have been.
Now I was standing there, in one of the walkways in the gardened area - I believe it was closer to the left, kind of close to that one side of the chainlink fence that made contact with the building, but do not remember this 100% - but I was standing in one of the walkways, and the animal was lying there.
But it was not longer a dog, but a turtle or whatever. I'll just call it a turtle, even if it were technically a tortoise or something. (I don't remember if it had flippers or feet.)
And it was injured - badly. At some point during that length of time that the dream had skipped through, I had apparently gotten fed up with the dog blocking me from a completely legitimate activity, being completely unable to be reasoned with, and coming after me; and so at some point during the time that the dream skipped over, I had stopped running from the dog and had in fact come towards it intentionally and had beaten the absolute daylight out of it. I had a right to be there, and I was not going to let that dog prevent me from it.
I was not injured at all. The dog had done no physical harm to me, no matter how much it had wanted to. The dog - which at this point was no longer a dog, but a turtle - was almost dead.
The turtle that had previously been the dog was lying on its back. And just like how a pefectly healthy toroise would do if it were lying on its back - on the back of its shell - this turtle this turtle was frantically moving its limbs and trying to get back to where it could really move around again. Lying back on its shell like that, it was immobile and would've been so even if completely healthy.
But it was probably also in pain, as it was very badly injured. It was bleeding a lot. It was at risk of dying.
Though I was glad to now be able to see that family, I also had pity for this thing. I wanted to help it. So I picked it up to take it to get it help, and I held it one hand, still on its back, and I could still see the underbelly side of its shell. But even a gentle touch of my hand, even the gentle variations in the shape of my hand as I carried it - even those were too much for it. It was so seriously injured at that point that these gentle touches or variations or shifts would wound it further. It would cause it to bleed more, and it was already bleeding profusely before I picked it up. And the underbelly part of its shell would have little parts of it crumble from this and fall away, almost like powder.
I hated this, but it needed to be taken somewhere where it could be helped. And it was that family's pet, and they were my original destination anyway, so I was walking over there with the animal in my hand.
There was another problem though: Since it was their pet, I was quite concerned that may become quite ill with me for having beaten it up like this. I had a right to be there, and they were expecting me, but I had also hurt their pet.
But I couldn't just leave it somewhere they wouldn't see either, because then it pretty much would definitely die. It had to have treatment to live.
There was a temptation that arose within me. Perhaps, according to this temptation, I could lay it down just in front of their door, then leave the area without them knowing I had ever been there. Then, early in the morning after dawn, they would open the door and see their pet, which would hopefully still be alive. Then hopefully they would be able to treat it and keep it alive, but they would also never know that it was I who had done that.
I continued to walk towards their door. The right thing to do seemed to be to knock on the door or ring the doorbell or whatever, get their attention immediately, and allow them to treat the pet immediately. But would they be angry? Hopefully they would look past it, given that I was supposed to be there, but on the other end of the spectrum would be lost friends and kind of like a feeling of shame or whatever. Is it perhaps okay that I could just leave it there and leave immediately? Is that good enough.
It seems like the right thing probably would be to go ahead and notify them to minimize the risk, but it seems so tempting to just leave it in front of their door instead. I continued to walk towards their door, the pet in hand, continuing to waffle over the decision.
As I continued walking and thinking and debating within myself, I thought back on a memory from before. The dream did not specify from how long ago this memory was, only that it was a memory from the past. I recollected and could visualize the memory quite clearly. At this point, the dream visually showed the memory, which in the dream, was me visualizing it in my mind as I reflected upon it. And this was the memory:
There was a very small aquarium, the kind of cheap, small aquarium that could maybe hold no more than perhaps a couple of gallons or less, was shaped in a somewhat circular fashion, and that you might buy for a small child to put a couple of goldfish in or something. In this aquarium, there were little blue pieces that sort of served as a decorative "ocean floor", and there may or may not have been any other decorations. Whether it was something in the water itself, the background behind the aquarium, or whatever else it might have been, the water basically looked blue. And instead of fish, there were turtles.
These turtles were all the same sort of miniature turtle or tortoise or whatever, that were no more than maybe three or four inches long and maybe two or three inches wide, give or take. And the turtle that the dog had turned into was among them.
There was a light that was shining into the aquarium from above. You could see an illuminating light going into there, kind of like what you see in paintings in real life that depict light coming from heaven, or like what you see in real life every once poking through the clouds. And the light was beaming down into that aquarium.
And most of the turtles were basically at the bottom of the aquarium and were just staying in positing and not really moving very much. They were gathered together, each of them looking up in the same direction at maybe a 45-60 degree angle. But they weren't looking at the light. They were looking at the one and only turtle that was not down on the bottom with them - the same turtle that was the family's pet from throughout this dream. This is the same turtle that has been there, as either a dog or a turtle, basically throughout this dream.
That turtle was the only that was not on the ground, and it likewise was tilted at a similar angle as the rest. And as they looked upwards, at an angle, to it (they were beside each other, and they were below and in front of it), it looked upwards, at an angle, directly into the light that was beaming into the aquarium. It was looking directly into the light, and the other turtles were looking at this particular turtle.
And this particular turtle that the others were all looking at and has been a character throughout this dream - it was wearing a crown. It was not looking down at an angle at them, but up at an angle into the light; and they were not looking at the light, but up at an angle at him; and he was wearing a crown.
Finally there were some words that came to my mind. The dream ended with them. These words were in concern about the current situation with the animal being injured, but were remembering the reason I had hurt it. Originally in the dream, the sentence may or may not have started with the word "Well, .." or had some other variation(s) like that, but these would either be the exact words or close to them:
I had to do SOMETHING to show him that I was not the Messiah.