I dreamed this morningi was put to death by the Russians.
Robyn and a friend of hers were there. Robyn and i were riding in a Blue VW. And yhen we were in a place like a school room or hospital. The Russians were woman, they were nice, except they were going to kill us by leathal injection, put to sleep frist and then the posion.
the room had other people in it. they were all children ( I guess children of God.
we tried to talk them into letting us go.
No that couldnt happen they had a job to do.
so I ask if I could go to Mamas to die, they said yes. they had a lot of equipment like videos big stuff. one lady had freckels and red curley hair, the other lady was black.but they were not mean like hurting or name calling.
So at Mamas a lady lived next door but never saw us there. it was like we were not there. then they gave me a go to sleep shot.
something on my finger .. like the thing that checks oxegen levels.
i said but i am a christain and they said so are we. i ask then shy are you killing me? they said its our job.
i prayed went to sleep and they killed me at mamas.
then i woke up.