(This dream is from December 2018)
In the dream there was an island in southern China, it looked very much like Hong Kong (I am from Hong Kong). However the name (in the dream) was not Hong Kong, but something else.
I was in a landing party that landed on a container port on that island. There's some tall buildings in the background and highways. The context of the landing party is a ministry team and purging the evil presence from that island.
Upon landing, Ernest (a university classmate who is very scholarly, intelligent, professorial demeanor) approached me with a warm smile and we shook hands. I felt in my spirit we were on the same team. Marcus (a former classmate who is now an accomplished journalist) stood nearby, taking photos. An old woman wearing a witch hat walked past us, leaving, as if its because of our presence. Sid Roth was also in the landing party. He talked into a microphone continually, which resulted in a radio broadcast that is audible all over the island. The impression in my spirit was that the broadcast was keeping down the presence of the enemy as we went about our work.