I had 2 dreams previously about using a sword to fight a spiritual adversary. Having practiced martial arts before I was born again, part of my training included how to handle swords. I usually hold one with my right hand on top, left on bottom of the handle. In the first dream, I was very clumsy with the sword. As time went on, I became more proficient with it. It all changed when I change my grip (left hand first/on top, right hand on bottom) that I started wielding it very efficiently and was able to drive the enemy out.
In a second part of the dream, I was at a 3-story house I once lived in. Something was amiss on the third floor, as there were occult symbols drawn on paper, and the papers were taped to the walls of a room (Like posters). (It was the symbol with a triangle and an eye in the middle on all posters). I told my father about it, and he said, "it's just a rented house, don't bother". But I thought I cannot let it go on, so I drew my sword, and with my left hand I tore down the occult posters, meanwhile having the sword in my right hand, I slashed them one by one and destroyed them.