This dream took place with me, my two younger brothers, one younger sister, and paternal grandma at the house where my siblings and I lived when we were young. My grandma was babysitting us which I found weird because we were all still our current ages; 22, 18, 17, and 16. Suddenly there was a loud noise and some shaking I ran to the window and saw a GIANT airplane flying overhead, I yelled its going to crash! Sure enough it crashed a few blocks down and the ground shook, I ran to grab my youngest brother and protect him. I told myself I hit my stomach so I need to go to the doctors (I am pregnant in real life and was pregnant in my dream as well), I then yelled and told my sister to get in a doorway as if it were an earthquake and called to my brother who was upstairs to do the same. My grandma became somewhat irreleveant in the dream, there was an after shock and then I told my brother to come downstairs. I looked out the window and saw the damage from the plane houses were destroyed including the neighbor to my right and the ground was coming up yet only a small portion of our yard on the right side was burnt. I began to get my siblings ready to get them to safety when I realized they were suddenly younger around the ages 4, 5, and 6 yet I remained the same age;22. I ran to get a pocket knife for protection and told my siblings I would get them out of there, but could not find one I wanted to use , I noticed the closet light was on but I did not turn it on when my brother yelled that my sister was outside. I ran to the door and called her back in I was upset and worried becasue she ran to the right side where there was alot of damage and she almost fell into the ground. She made it back in and told me she was looking for shoes, i told her put on any shoes as it did not matter and showed her my pink fuzzy slippers, I had noticed two old pair of shes that appeared to be hers both nike one with a light blue swoosh and another with a light pink swoosh. I looked out the window again and noticed fire fighters evacuating the neighbors house, I then noticed that to the left our grass was a very vibrant green as well as all the grass to the left of our house. I also noticed a bright white light and what appeared to be snow, I then saw my grandma standing at a school buse and saw that there were 2. I told my siblings it was time to go I would get them some place warm and safe and went to grab snacks first for them. I searched through the snack cupboard and decided to get 5 rice krispy treats and 5 chocolate chip cookies. As I walked out of the kitchen I awoke.
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