My memory isn't completely thorough (even right after waking up), and a few details may be mistaken, but this should be the gist of it. I have felt peace since the dream.
I was staying in a hostel in a town or city in one of the green, wooded parts of Arizona, probably north and potentially west of Phoenix. Different guests were in and out as days and weeks passed. There were probably short-term acquaintances/friendships made. Probably over the last couple of days, an elderly man with grey/white hair and a mustache had been staying, and it had gotten my attention.
I went deeper into town, and my mother was now with me at this stage in the dream. I think my brother was too, for at least a short period. Whereas the hostel looked like something straight out of Route 66 and wasn't really meant to look or feel nice, when we were deeper in the town/city, things were built much more like a castle town. It was as if the heart of the town/city were all part of a single castle. It was also more touristy in a way (although I like things like the hostel as well and think they're touristy in their own right).
However the main castle seemed to be up in some peaks, probably just a few miles from where we were. Either it was a castle, or a theme park, or something; but whatever it was, it was nice, and it was kind of like the pinnacle of the community. I think my mother and I planned to go to that structure in the mountain peaks - likely taking a lift or elevator or something - but in the near future, not right that second.
We walked around town (which itself looked almost like part of a castle complex), and at one point, we went to McDonald's. I got a chocolate malt or shake. We would change floors within this part of the town, using staircases. Pretty much any normal establishment was potentially embedded inside, such as the McDonald's. (Think of the massive underground "cities" that places like Tokyo and Sapporo in Japan have - they have more modern cosmetics, but it's almost the same idea.) My mother was here for a limited time, but I think she said something about doing something either that coming Tuesday or a week from, and I think she was contemplating extending her vacation.
We saw a school complex on the inside, and the elementary, middle, and high schools each seemed to be on a different floor and under different administration, but still right there together. While we were outside and going down some stairs, at least at one point, my mother kept more or less stepping on my heels. I would go down a step maybe, and then she, following behind, would kind of start to bump into me. This was dangerous, because the steps were steep and thin, and I told her as much. However she was in denial of what she was doing and kept messing with me like this.