My memory of the dream has been less than perfect ever since I woke up. This may not be 100% accurate, but I think it was something along the following lines:
My mother, my brother, and I were in kind of like a vacation condo building or hotel or something, and we were leaving. The car was in the parking lot, on the ground level, multiple stories below the floor where our room was. This time I went down the elevator.
In the process of doing so, I crossed paths with patients of this facility. Apparently in addition to it being a vacation place, it was also a hospital. One or more of these patients, I think, I was hesitant to be in the elevator with; but quickly thereafter, I got into the elevator with another party of one or more patients. These people I think were maimed or otherwise visibly deformed, and I think at least one was missing at least one eye.
I eventually made it down to the ground level, and we were trying to pack the car or whatever. However I think I had forgotten something in our room or something, and so I had to go back up at least a few stories to get it.
Eventually we were back at home or whatever, where we used to live over 20 years ago in northeastern Alabama. We were in the den with a couple of other people. My mother was praying for my brother, I believe. I think it was because he had an alcohol problem (in the dream, of course :)), and I think she was trying to, at least partially through prayer, help him get over it. She kept mentioning stuff like "Shabat" and so on. I explained to the two people that were in there with us that she was acting in Rabbinical Christianity (what I meant by this was what's called Messianic Christianity, kind of like with Rabbi Kirt Schneider) and that she was referring to the Sabbath.
In the dream I think there was also some sort of reference to posting something on this forum. When I woke up, I was already having issues remembering the thing very well. I felt . . . probably not a lot of anything. Just physically tired and drowsy, like usual.