I have stress dreams... at least that's what I call them. When I'm stressed about something, I dream about it and it feels so incredibly real that when I wake up I can't tell the difference between reality and the dream. Also, these dreams tend to cause me to wake up a lot.
Recently my aunt wanted my cousin to move in with me but I had to tell her no since we already asked someone. Now I have a really hard time telling people no so I was avoiding it and getting super stressed... enter stress dream.
I live in a 3 bedroom apartment and in the dream I discovered a 4th bedroom and was so excited that my cousin could now stay with me. Then, I would wake up and be insanely confused about whether there were 3 or 4 bedrooms!?! And then go back asleep to the same dream, wake up and repeat. It is now 12 hours later and I'm still having a hard time convincing myself that there isn't a 4th bedroom. Logically I know it's not there but in my head I believe it's there.