About 2 nights ago i had a dream about my husband, most of it is blurry but there were a few things that stood out. We were in a grocery store and he was applying for a job, he got interviewed on the spot and then someone texted him after from a random number saying the interview didnt count. i talked to the manager and he said he'd look into things, upon leaving the store my husband gets offered the job and is told to write his availability on a piece of paper, one of the times he wrote was 5:15 and for some reasom that was the first thing i remebered when i woke and the one detail that was very clear. Another random thing i remember from the dream is the same guy who offered my husband the job saw us later on and told my husband he had to leave his wife (me) my husband and i said no, and the man repeated himself and then i said something which i cant rememeber to the man that made him say nevermind and leave.
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