this is a dream that i had on May 16th:
Husband said we were going to his old friend Desiree’s to help her brother move some stuff and that he was going to have her brother talk to me about budgeting our money . I was mad because he didn’t try to talk to me about budgeting and he had brought some random person I didn’t know into our business. I was also mad because I did not like desiree and did not understand why we were going over there. We got there and it was her birthday apparently, and it didn’t seem like anyone was helping people move stuff. My husband was sitting at a table with Desiree’s brother and was talking to him about being a Christian , I overheard him say something like “oh so you’re a new aged king Christian so that means you read the —- book?” And the brother responded “well sort of the great thing about believing whatever I want is...” and then my husband cut back in and said I’m sorry but I have to tell you you are wrong.. and then I stopped listening to his conversation and switched my attention to Desiree and she was asking what size dress I wear. She said “I’m going to guess no bigger than 15?” I said “the largest I have is size 12 and the smallest I can fit into is a 9” There was a woman (supposedly her sister? ) showing the place as if she was a realtor but it was odd because when we had originally arrived it was an apartment we arrived to & she said that the people liked the place and would be coming for a second look the next day.