#Part one
I was with my mum and dad at an art sale. Mum and Dad were admiring two large paintings. We sat down as bags, full of free content was distributed. I refused a bag as I was aware there was a hidden cost involved.
#Part two - The fun part
Our ministry team (stag) was advertising across all churches calling all young adult to join us.
I was in a forest with my ministry team (stag) as we stood among the beautiful tall trees and idyllic landscape I sensed the earth was about to shift. Looking up in the sky, flocks of birds began to migrate. Ahead of us, Kids under the age of 10 were standing not far off. Our team ventured over to them; an empty ditch blocked us from fully reaching the kids. Sensing the earth was about to move /shift, Nick pushed me over with force to the kids, as I turned around a huge mudslide now block my view and I could no longer see stag. The kids full under my watch and guard now. This group was lead by other unknown leaders to me who leadus through the ever-changing landscape. At one point, the kids became a little too heavy for me to carry, the kids gathered around and helped me stabilize my strength.
Now walking through an underground tunnel, I noticed the instability of the walls around us and was fully aware that the earth was still moving. I asked the man leading us how long it would take to get out of the tunnel. He thought it could take 10 minutes, then changing his mind, 15 minutes. I told him it was now time to jog the kids out and into safety.
I see my stag group! Courtney now fully pregnant and about to pop!
She knew she needed to get engaged before birthing something new into the world.