at some point in my sleep last night I remember being on a descending elevator. The elevator itself was not traditional in anything other than its purpose as it seemed to contain different ramps and levels of its own although similar in size to an ordinary elevator. With me on the elevator was one other person a young blonde female child with Down syndrome. As we descendEd I remember asking her where she or we were going and here words were “to good”. The elevator ride itself was taking place in the World Trade Center and it was descending into the depths of the earth far past the depths any human has ever went. My estimate was that we were approximately 1 mile beneath the earths surface. When the doors opened the little girl ran off and I was standing in a gymnasium with a track where multiple people were running. I distinctly remember a middle aged brunette stopping her run and walking over to I at which point an African man who was the manager or staff of this place perhaps a coach as he had on track pants a collared polo shirt and a whistle around his neck Came up to me. The only thing I remember discussing with him was questioning the depths at which we were and after I told him my estimate of one mile beneath the earth he happily scoffed smirked and told me we were 10 miles down. I then ran off, I think I kicked a soccer ball towards the joggers on the track and I think there was also a basketball court. The basketball court is significant as I played my entire life, other than that I do not understand anything else. Perhaps the female jogger was an old gf of mine but other than that I do not understand this dream. Please help me.
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