my husband and I were in bed and this force was trying to attack me and hold me down I was trying to say Jesus but I couldn’t get it out my mouth my husband was lying next to me so I was trying to wake him up I got him up and he saw what was happening he was trying to hold me or help in some way I was asking God in my mind for angels and trying to say Jesus this went on for a while everytime I was trying to get to sleep it was like I couldn’t move my husband was tryin to comfort me he told me he saw what was happening I myself could see some shadow spirit in the room but my husband said he saw a lot of men in the room my husband was telling me it’s okay I was wondering why me saying Jesus wasn’t enough to stop it I remember bending back the finger on this invisible devil (force), also at one point these black guys tried to break into our room by the window and they had guns my husband got his gun to face them and shoot them but it was a water gun however he still used it I think I used it too and kept shooting until we got away I tried locking one of the back doors to the room we were in but it wouldn’t lock however the thug stayed outside my husband was climbing in a window from outside at one point with a gun trying to get in our room quickly they eventually left but I remember thinking let’s make sure we have guns that work before they try to comeback again
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