The backstory. I have been involved with law enforcement since 2001 or so. International law enforcement experience since 2012. I was born and raised Catholic, which I am called to still be to this day. (I had 8 years playing in a worship band with Assemblies of God which is where Jesus found me)
My wife, children and I live abroad doing many things. Running a non profit on the Haitian border in the Dominican Republic is what we’re called to in this season since 2011. We are a traditional self supported missionary family. I am still involved with law enforcement in a training and volunteer basis in two countries.
So Easter of 2008 I had the following experience while driving home from a friends late one night which culminated at home. (early morning Of Easter).
Easter Morning around five am I came in the door of my home with a very strange feeling almost like I had been drawn there which made no sense cause I was on my way there anyway. I walk in and I got the sense that God was wanting to chat. So i tried to put it off in a sense which God was messing with me at this point. I finally relented and laid down on my bed. I said "OK God Let's hear it".
I swear on the Bible;
God Took over MY body, mind and soul. He reached my arm out to my laptop computer scrolled my finger down to a bulletin and clicked on it, then scrolled down all the way to the bottom. to the second to last question of Mel's survey.
That question was
"Are you a Lover or a Fighter"
I said "I'm A LOVER" BUT I will fight for WHAT I Love. and defend it at all costs. After a period of amazing euphoria and glory to God and an emotional exchange between us that of which I have never in my life experienced with anything, ever, I felt love like I haver never felt in my life. The Love of our Lord. The GOD of the Universe was inhabiting my heart for the first time. Not only my heart, but actually controlling my physical movements because I granted Him 100% access to my body since he created it!! He then got down to the point of my life. My mission here on earth. The reason I was created.
God Literally moved my arm and picked up my Men's Devotional Bible to which I'm just getting acquainted with and I closed my eyes and I felt HIM use my right hand to very slowly and gently finger through it's pages to which it slowed and stopped. God placed my finger in the Bible and I opened my eyes in more than one way.
Spiritually and physically, it read such as this:
Passage Jeremiah 50:35-43:
35 "A sword is coming against the Babylonians!"
announces the Lord.
"It is coming against those who live in Babylonia.
It is coming against their officials and wise men.
36 A sword is coming against their prophets.
But they are not really prophets at all!
So they will look foolish.
A sword is coming against their soldiers!
They will be filled with terror.
37 A sword is coming against their horses and chariots!
It is coming against all of the hired soldiers in their armies.
They will become like weak women.
A sword is coming against their treasures!
They will be stolen.
38 There will not be any rain for their rivers.
So they will dry up.
Those things will happen because their land is full of statues of gods.
Those gods will go crazy with terror.
39 "Desert creatures and hyenas will live in Babylon.
And so will owls.
People will never live there again.
It will not be lived in for all time to come.
40 I destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.
I also destroyed the towns that were near them,"
announces the Lord.
"Babylonia will be just like them.
No one will live there.
No one will stay there even for a short time.
41 "Look! An army is coming from the north.
I am stirring up a great nation and many kings.
They are coming from a land that is very far away.
42 Their soldiers are armed with bows and spears.
They are mean.
They do not show any mercy at all.
They come riding in on their horses.
They sound like the roaring ocean.
They are lined up for battle.
They are coming to attack you, city of Babylon.
43 The king of Babylonia has heard reports about them.
His hands can't help him.
He is in great pain. It is like the pain of a woman having a baby. Jeremiah 50:35-43
God then Pointed my hand to my wall, which I had a picture of The Reflecting Pool that I took In D.C facing Lincoln Monument that I consider my best picture. The moved my hand and picked up the remote for my TV TIVO box and rewound it to a point in it that said
"Every Criminal Leaves a Trail"
"Every Second is Crucial"
I wish I knew what this had to do with the passage and Monument picture. Lincoln freed the slaves, maybe I am supposed to do the same. God knows my heart aches for those who are oppressed in the world and knows that I would do what I could no matter the cost to make a difference.
Never in my life have I been touched by GOD Literally! I immediately Broke down. And Praised HIM with tears of joy from my inner most being. He wasn't finished with me yet. He gave me a mission which I am going to follow through. end of experience.
If there are any thoughts on this experience I would love to hear. God bless you all.