firstly a bit of background: so this dream was last night after having a rather late night the day before on my pc.
The dream in detail: It started out with me and my partner who is pregnant and we were what looked like to be my home town but I can't quite match up the buildings, we were sat on a sofa in maybe an office of some sort waiting and then 3 young lads with baseball bats entered and started to smash the office but me and my partner where left untouched it was almost like a riot. The next thing I know I am sat on the sofa next to my partner and its almost like I have been pushed through a glass window and I have lots of glass shards stuck in my body but there are lots of cuts and blood slowly coming out then I notice there is to rather large lacerations on my left and right thigh not in the same place but one slightly close to my groin area, as I look at the lacerations there is blood gushing out almost like turning a milk carton upside down like it was so vivid I could hear the blood running of the sofa and down on the floor where it was pooling. this is the really vivid part I then place both hands onto my lacerations rather quickly to ensure I don't bleed to death and I am holding tight then I feel my fingers slip into the wounds and I can feel the blood pumping out of me at this point I can start to feel the effects of the blood loss and I start to feel extremely cold and faint while all this is going on I can here the 3 lads saying we will stay and watch him bleed out, I look over to my partner and say "it will be okay I just need to slow the bleeding" shortly after this I wake up in extrema cold sweets and find my self checking my body for any open wounds.
I really can not express how vivid this dream was I could feel everything and I could hear everything it was as if it was really happening the only thing I couldn't feel was the pain but the blood and the sound of it was so real. after this I attempt to go back to sleep however for the rest of the night I continue to dream I have lots of fine glass shards like the are very fin glass but large in size and I am pulling them out of my hands and trying to close the wounds they leave once removed.
I have no idea what this means or if I am even posting this in the right place but I have felt the same all day...