I had a dream I was fishing. I threw my line in the water and got a bite. It was a big fish. People around me begin telling me how to reel them in by waiting until the fish gave me slack and then reel it in. I then started hand fishing and was touching lots of big fish and once in a while I would catch small fish with my hands. There was a large fish that I was unable to grab and pull out and felt bummed out it got away. After that I went to a building and there was a line of people. I knew I was going to this building for some sort of promotion ceremony. When it was my turn I went up to a platform in this building and Jesus was standing behind a white desk (everything in this room was white). Then he asked me if I wore silver a lot and I said not very often. He then told me you should wear silver more often and do it for me and proceeded to hand me a grayish silver shirt. In the dream I felt humbled and happy and undeserving being in front of Jesus and felt happy and in my element while fishing and frustration that I couldn’t catch the big fish
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Dreams posted to the forum will be interpreted by students. They will likely accumulate during breaks between classes, so please keep this in mind. Remember most interpretations are provided by students and they are learning what they are doing. Moderators will often have more seasoned interpretations when they do comment on a dream. A moderator often responds to Level 1 student interpretations and comments when necessary for Level 2 students. Level 3 students will post interpretations as student moderators.
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