I have had five dreams about the same person over the past 2-3 weeks. He is a Peruvian doctor that I work with that is not in a position of authority.
The first one: him, a youth pastor from a former church and a young man (reminded me of a "greaser" from the movie The Outsiders) were running for a political office and I was going to vote for the doctor. I told the kid he had better put his ciggarette out or the youth pastor would drag him through the mud.
The second one: he asked me to pretend to be his girlfriend for his family who were coming to visit. He wanted them to think he had it all together. I sat down with him at a huge, white, fancy table and noticed that all of his family was caucasion and asked if he were adopted but I spent the dinner talking with his family.
The third one: I was on the unit I work on and an RN said "look a tornado is coming." I saw it through the window and was nonchalantly like "It sure is..." and it switched scenes to me and him and other people from work at a party. Like a club with dancing but no alcohol but I was just sitting at the booth with him and other people. The only other people I recall was the RN and my friend/coworker Hillary.
The fourth one: another doctor (who is authoritative and does not like him in real life) told me I needed to help him or he was going to get in trouble and I was like "how can i help him?"
And then last night, there was some type of wedding/weird social gathering thar I was going to. A friend/coworker (Hillary) was there, my son and his girlfriend, my dad (who is dead) and this doctor. There were games and I had to draw a number. I drew the number 40 and they said that was the age my son would go to heaven. So I wanted to switch the number because it was too young and it upset me.
Then, I got in this huge tub/pool/shower thing. The dr was in there too but I didn't notice any nakedness being that it was a shower. I didn't want my hair to get wet and have to refix it but suddenly multiple shower heads drenched my hair (but it looked really good). He waded through the water to me and asked what was wrong. By that time, we were laughing about my hair being wet and he kissed me on the shoulder and I found it confronting. But by the time he approached me he was like 20-30 years older than he really is.
In the first four, we didnt interact much. He was just there. After waking up, each time I am confused about why I would dream about him when I dont think much about him when Im awake.
I do plan to go to Peru in the future and was thinking he might represent something about that...