I was with family for a funeral. It turned into chaos but I can’t really remember the details in the beginning. There were so many segments in the beginning of the dream. But the next morning I decided to get up early and shower because wherever I was had a full house and I didn’t want to be in the way (I appeared to have been trying to keep peace). I got up showered and went to church. I saw many familiar faces but it turned into a funeral for two. But it didn’t look like people I was close to. When I tried to find my family they were gone because while I was at church they had gotten up and went to this funeral. I don’t know who had passed away. I was told “the funeral started at 11am” but I was at church. I finally caught up with my family but it got chaotic again.
Here are some odd pieces during the dream at the end (that I remember)
•People were driving cars really fast and they were all white cars. •For some reason there was a white cat with thick hair shedding heavily. It was all over my covers. (I am NOT a cat person)
Thanks for reading.