I am looking at a very tall skyscaper (blue clear glass) on t.v. I believe it is being advertised and somehow my co worker Marshall relays to me that he is working there. I don't believe him at first but I decide to go visit him with a group of people. One of the people is my staff whose name is Aaron.
Once we arrive at the building we begin climbing the stairs. We have been invited to the top floor 999 and we are really surprised that we get to go that high. Along the way I notice the other floors have themes. One is a floor with computers with a crazy salesman.
We get to floor 49 and it is very nice. There are people sitting around and I ask, " is this the penthouse?" The people respond, "not even close" They seem to be implying that while floor 49 is nice, its nothing compared to the penthouse.
My group decides to keep going and I wonder why we are taking the stairs versus the elevator. I am not tired so we keep walking. I also learn at this point that Aaron skipped a job interview to be here today and I can't imagine why he would do that.
We finally make it to the penthouse but someone sends security because they don't want to let us in. It doesn't take long but security is told we have clearance to be there and then I wake up.