In my dream, my husband and I had three pet goats running around our house. One was black, one was white, and I think the other one might have been brown. They were all smaller in size than a traditional goat - maybe the size of a baby goat.
We had guests coming over and we wanted to put the goats up so that they wouldn’t be in the way or bothering anyone, so we were trying to decide where to put them. We settled on putting them in kitchen pantry closet (in the bottom of the pantry there are no shelves and there was room for them to stand in there).
Later, when the guests left, we realized we’d forgotten about the goats, so we rushed to the pantry to open the door and they had pooped in there and had stepped all in it. When we opened the door, the black one immediately ran out and began tracking it all over the house so we were scrambling to try to get him and pick him up and take him to the bathroom to give him a bath in the tub and clean up the house. The white goat stepped out of the pantry as well, but didn’t run around like crazy like the black one did - instead it just walked around a bit. The brown goat stayed in the pantry in the shadows and didn’t come out when we opened the door.