I remember I had left my computer with all my dreams and words from God on it, phone and expensive drinking glasses and other valuable things on a little table with my sister Rachael and for some reason when she went to the bathroom she didn’t think to take them with her or get someone to mind them whilst she was away. Not sure why I wasn’t there myself. So everything was stolen. Then I find them on finn. no (its a website in Norway where I live to search for buying property, second hand items etc. Maybe like Craigs list in USA) for 350 NOK (currency here). I call to arrange to go to the place to collect them all the next day. It was called in Norwegian AURLAND ( a real place on the west coast I didnt know about actually in the natural being born in Australia and living on east coast). I think it might be a play on words for Our land. My sister said she should come with me. Think the ad says 9.30am so I am prepared for being there then but they write back and say 10am. I think I want to call the police in case things were erased on my pc etc. Then Im talking with Ernst ( a Norwegian friend and Pastor I know a little ) on the phone about something. Bless the interpreter and interpretation form Holy Spirit. Thanks.
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