I was on an excursion with a small group of people. (I personally didn't know any one in the group).
It was a beautiful sunny day, we had just come back from a trip we took in the city (not sure what country we were in) and was walking down a path. This path fascinated me, it was not modern as certain parts in the City, it had like an old look to it. In between the large round stones, were beautiful flowers.
I was a few meters away from the group,
I could hear them discussing what they wanted to do next but their voices faded as I looked down the path in front of us was a bright light. I started walking towards this light, in a distance I could hear the group shout," Come on we need to catch the bus!" I did not respond to them, I was drawn to this place, as I walked closer I saw candles.
The group had left, and in the dream I wasn't worried, I knew I had to step into this store.
I entered through the glass doors, every where I looked was the most beautiful golden candles, the closer I got to the candles the brighter it became. I looked across the store and every candle was now lit. The store was lit up in a brilliant light.
I wondered who lit all these candles? There wasn't anyone in the store, except me!
I woke up.