I'm the lead on a school play. There is a girl in the audience who isn't my biggest fan but loved the performance, she didn't know it was me as the lead and for some reason She was in a costume because as her self She wasn't allowed to be there. She loved it so much she went to see it twice but the second time I wasn't in it. This really upset her to the point of interrupting the play, then walking out.
After a bunch of drama that happened between she and i that I can't remember she and i become friends. (Us not beimg friemds had nothing to do woth why she couldnt be herself, but i helped make it possible) She is finally allowed to be her self at school so she can see the play. That day she wakes up happy, so excited. She walked out of her room and in in the hallway of the school and sees a boy directly across from her with blood all over him. Before she notices the blood she notices how handsome he was. She rushed to him to help and he slits her wrist. She dies.
The day starts over same thing wakes up happy walks out sees the boy except this time she runs for help and he starts chasing her. She makes it to a councelers office ( a tall black old man) as she tries to baracade the door as she begs for help from him but he just stands there. Eventually he lets the boy in and he kills her again.
The day starts over again same thing except this time she runs to find me. He wrist are already cut so I'm panicking trying to save her life. (I descover Her pretend self is behind the murder because of jealousy and miss understanding about the play. ) no one seems to care she is dying. I can not get anyone to help. I call 911 but i know it's too late. They get there and se even try to save her, they just blame me for not doing enough and letting her die.
At the end of the dream I'm sitting in my old drive was with my hands in my face crying. The end.