I was at work & received a mail that lunch was going to be provided at office. The options looked exceptionally good/premium. I went downstairs for something else just 'before' lunch time and happened to see the few nice stalls set up for this lunch purpose - this was well laid out (not the usual place for lunch).
I was happy to see the good options and that there was a very short queue. I joined the queue and read a few food options - 3 beef options - burger, beef with ham, beef 'gallagher' seems to be the names (context - the name Gallagher had struck me the previous day while reading some news), Cheese with celery & Pad Thai (realised this only when I reached the counter to get mine but was not on the list) - all costing around 90. The chose the most expensive option of 94.
Someone junior jumped the queue and joined some others in front of me - who were his friends. Though I looked at it unhappy initially, the people in front of me almost suddenly vanished and it did not cause any delay for me. There was a lady who seemed more senior behind me.
I reached the counter quicker than expected & there were 2 ladies who were very nice. I gave my choice & they told me that there were drink options - Rose milk related drink and 2 others - I opted the rose milk related drink. She first brought that in an eat-in glass but I requested if a take away option was available for the drink. Though an additional task for her - she happily acknowledged and was changing that for me. (felt like a happy dream)